The 15 Day Weight Loss Plan If you are looking for a challenge then you can try this 15 Day Weight Loss plan. They have a lot of goodies in an all inclusive package that you can purchase on a one time Their website claims that with their program, if you follow everything in their guide, step by step, you lose up to 15 lb in just 15 days. I know this sounds too good to be true, but considering their package comes with a diet guide , a supplement guide, maintenance guide plus an introduction to the whole program to begin with, it is possible to lose weight within the mentioned days. I understand losing weight isn't an easy fit, and fad diets have come and gone and seem to not yield much, The 15 Day Weight Loss Plan seems to not only guide you through the process but give you additional insights into everything from your food to your work out regime. Introduction Guide The introduction isn't just a summa...